Thursday, May 23, 2013

Everyone have their own talent

Today I we have to watch a video of Ken Robinson who talks about the education and some their problems I think that unfortunately a lots of their problems occur in Chilean education system and even we can find some of them in the familiar environment
I think the same that the speaker about everyone has a different kind of intelligences and capacities but there’s a lots of problems with the development of their abilities. That kind of problems could be find them when the person is a child, for example when fathers put their expectative in their sons. when tell to they that they will doctor, lawyer, superhero or anything, that just influence in their abilities and that’s not fine because all the persons have to find their real vocation and their own talent that’s why I think that the fathers and mothers role is help their sons to find that and help them to develop their own abilities and help to develop like a person too.
The another great problem is the school because there is a lots of problems. Subjects like Mathematics and Language are the most preferred and later history and science as we can see in the test “psu” but the program don’t consider another kinds of areas like sports, arts, music etcetera and that could be so important like the another and don’t allow to student find and develop their own abilities.
 Even in some cases the teachers don’t have a real vocation to help their student and just classify by their abilities for some areas (language or mathematics) if they are intelligent or not and that could desmotivate them because he or she could thing that they dont have talent and that’s very unfair because we can’t make a classification just considering that a few areas


  1. In my opinion parents are just other piece of the murder mind system. Anybody can to escape from the educational paradigm. Even our own parents try to kill us integrity for construct doctors or lawyers.

  2. I think family expectations allow higher education or academic career has a higher status. The assumption of social mobility.

  3. I totally agree with Camila, the expectation aren't a issue of school or the way to university, are a big problem that start in our childhood and don't leave us until the day that we emancipate.

  4. felipe! i wan`t post to you, but you don't have any new post!
