Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Little about me

Hello, my name is Felipe Rojas I’m Chilean, from the sixth region of O’Higgins in a little city called Las Cabras near of Rapel lake I Live with my father, mother, brother, my female dog called Eva and my little cat the place where I live is great especially in winter when grass on hill are green and all the hill has that colour, In summer all grass dry for the sun but there’s a lots of birds in the morning and they sing so much and that’s great
But for the semester I have to live in Santiago with my grandmother and my uncle in La Florida
 I’m student of Chemistry in the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science Faculty in University of Chile and in this semester I have seven subjects Organic Chemistry II, Analytical Chemistry III, Organic Chemistry Laboratory I, Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis, English III and a CFG called Brazil: Culture and Architecture of Diversity that’s very interesting subject because I can know a little of the great culture of that country. Maybe in the future I will go there I want go to Petropolis the place where Gabriela Mistral lived for 4 years

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