Thursday, May 23, 2013

Everyone have their own talent

Today I we have to watch a video of Ken Robinson who talks about the education and some their problems I think that unfortunately a lots of their problems occur in Chilean education system and even we can find some of them in the familiar environment
I think the same that the speaker about everyone has a different kind of intelligences and capacities but there’s a lots of problems with the development of their abilities. That kind of problems could be find them when the person is a child, for example when fathers put their expectative in their sons. when tell to they that they will doctor, lawyer, superhero or anything, that just influence in their abilities and that’s not fine because all the persons have to find their real vocation and their own talent that’s why I think that the fathers and mothers role is help their sons to find that and help them to develop their own abilities and help to develop like a person too.
The another great problem is the school because there is a lots of problems. Subjects like Mathematics and Language are the most preferred and later history and science as we can see in the test “psu” but the program don’t consider another kinds of areas like sports, arts, music etcetera and that could be so important like the another and don’t allow to student find and develop their own abilities.
 Even in some cases the teachers don’t have a real vocation to help their student and just classify by their abilities for some areas (language or mathematics) if they are intelligent or not and that could desmotivate them because he or she could thing that they dont have talent and that’s very unfair because we can’t make a classification just considering that a few areas

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Little about me

Hello, my name is Felipe Rojas I’m Chilean, from the sixth region of O’Higgins in a little city called Las Cabras near of Rapel lake I Live with my father, mother, brother, my female dog called Eva and my little cat the place where I live is great especially in winter when grass on hill are green and all the hill has that colour, In summer all grass dry for the sun but there’s a lots of birds in the morning and they sing so much and that’s great
But for the semester I have to live in Santiago with my grandmother and my uncle in La Florida
 I’m student of Chemistry in the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science Faculty in University of Chile and in this semester I have seven subjects Organic Chemistry II, Analytical Chemistry III, Organic Chemistry Laboratory I, Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis, English III and a CFG called Brazil: Culture and Architecture of Diversity that’s very interesting subject because I can know a little of the great culture of that country. Maybe in the future I will go there I want go to Petropolis the place where Gabriela Mistral lived for 4 years

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The subject I will explain the next Thursday is the analytical chemistry and its applications, this science as known as the science of measurement and its applications are very widely, from its beginning with modern science
The necessity of known the composition of varied kind of materials leads to make a great effort for made a more exact and accuracy measurement of an infinity of things for example to make the measurement of metals in water, the concentration of pesticides in soils or even in water, the amount of different minerals and vitamins in food  etcetera and all this knowledge is very useful to know the consequences of a lots of things for example the harm that could make the waste water or any chemical plant to the environment, also permit know if some food is healthy for some sick persons and allow make a better decision in different aspect
The day of the presentation First I will introduce my subject and explain why I decided to talk about that
Then I will explain the subject and the relevance of that and the impact which that could have
And finally I will give some example of the situation when this science operates

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Why I want be Chemist

I liked chemistry from the school because that’s a very broad field and have lots of applications. When I finish that I don’t know what career study or what I have to do. Then I waited a year to prepare psu and enter to study some career finally I decided to study chemistry in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science Faculty in Universidad de Chile.
The chemist work is very broad because it can work about plastics, fuels, pharmaceutical, mining or another kind of industry maybe environmental chemistry or certification laboratories.
I have not decided about which branch of chemistry will follow but I think that analytical chemistry is very interesting. This science as known as the science of measurement has a lots of useful applications.
For example, the problem of the arsenic in Lampa. The problem with this element is that form a very hazard compounds and this could cause miscarriage or kidneys problems. Because of that the concentration of this element in water has to been very low in order to don’t be harmful to people’s health. That’s why the analytical chemist has work efficiently with discipline and effort  to make an exact work because that work have influence in very important decision for example the people’s health or any  important decision of environment etcetera

Friday, May 3, 2013

up in arms

There is a lots of things that make me get “up in arms” for example when in the bus the people are listening their music with high volume I think that so  inappropriate even some persons use loudspeaker, why no respect the travel of the another person even in the night I see that
When people could be tired because their jobs or because a very active day, why not just use headphones for example
There are another things that get me up in arms for example the irresponsible conduct with the animals when some persons adopt dogs or another animals just do it because they are small or cute but sometimes when the dogs are bigger some persons just leave because they can’t have it or they don’t like it etcetera I really hate that because the animals can suffer too some persons actually don’t think that are causing a setback to the animal
I think that the law must be stronger with that kind of behavior and the people have to be more responsible with dogs and other animals