Thursday, April 25, 2013

From two years ago I discover something that I never thing that will be interesting to me I know my little cat Benito my first cat
He was a gift from our neighbor was yellow with brown spots, at the beginning he wasn’t a very friendly even he avoid us and go with his friends in the house of our neighbor a lot of times, when he got used to us he begin to be more friendly with us he used sleep all day long and he like eat so much, play with us and scratch the furniture he usually play in the night and he disturb so much he awake me some times

Thursday, April 18, 2013

somethings to do in the future

I thing that life is really short and there are a lots of things to and a lots of things to know for example in the future I really want to know another country and another way to understand the things or another lifestyles for example in this semester I’m in a subject called Brazil culture and architecture of the diversity and in there I can see that Brazil is a really interesting country with a different culture and language with a really nice architecture and landscape in the future I really want to know that country and another countries like Cuba or Mexico and all wonderful sites in Latin America I thing that do it make me a really happy person
Another thing that I want to do in the future is specialize in some branch of chemistry and investigate about that, maybe in the future made some postgraduate about that in another country that sound really interesting to complement my knowledge because some subjects sounds really interesting for my
That’s call my attention about I can find a lot of different specializations in a lots of different places in the entire world that would give me a better appreciation of some subjects that could like me in the future.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Internet a Useful Tool

Internet is a very useful tool for everyone today, the ability of exchange information rapidly is very important, with a fast development of science and technology the scientists need this tool to exchange the information and make a swift discussion of the ideas
Websites like are very useful because there you can find a lot of publications of different subjects that are arranged like: Physical Science and Engineering, Life Science, Health Science and Social Science and Humanities where you can find publications of Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics, Neuroscience, Agronomy ,Environmental science, Biochemistry, pharmaceutical Science, Medicine, Arts, Economy, Psychology and social Science. Another webpage that’s very useful is that’s a website of the American chemical society there you can find a lots of publications of different branch of chemistry, this website is a Spectral Database for Organic Compounds of the National Institute of Advance Industrial Science and Technology of Japan (AIST) where you can find a lots of spectra of Hrmn, IR or MS for different compounds that’s very useful in the subjects of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
I discover Science direct in the first year of my career when I have to made a homework with a paper for the course of English 1 (Scientific English) and the another webpages were discovered when I need made some laboratory report. Today I visit all this webpages every week